Senior School Curriculum

Senior School Timetable

The school day begins with Registration at 8:25am. All girls are expected to be in their form rooms, ready and organized for the day, by this time.

Breakfast Club runs from 7:40am until 8:00am in the Dining Room. This is a free service, but pupils are expected to sign in. Many dual-working families use the Breakfast Club and drop off their children en route to work.

The Senior School Library is open from 8:00am every morning.

The school day finishes at 4:00pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and at 3:10pm on Tuesday and Friday.

8:25am – 8:30am Registration
8:30am – 8:50am Assembly/Form time
8:55am – 9:40am Lesson 1
9:45am – 10:30am Lesson 2
10:30am – 10:50am Morning Break
10:50am – 11:35am Lesson 3
11:40am – 12:25pm Lesson 4
12:25pm – 1:35pm Lunch break
1:35pm – 2:20pm Lesson 5
2:25pm – 3:10pm Lesson 6
3:15pm – 4:00pm Lesson 7 (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday)