
Category: Uncategorised

STEM workshops and talks with Professor Lewis Dartnell

14th December 2023

On Thursday 7th December we had Channing’s inaugural STEM Christmas lecture from Professor Lewis Darnell. Professor Dartnell began his visit to Channing with a lecture to Year 11 and 6th…

Music at Lunchtime – Christmas Edition

14th December 2023

Last Friday’s lunchtime concert brought Christmas cheer for all to hear! It was the last concert of 2023 and what a way to end the year! First off, Zoe Q…

AQA Student Conference: The Tudors

4th December 2023

The Year 12 and 13 History students attended the AQA Tudor Day with Historian Tracy Borman and AQA Chief Examiner Keith Milne on Tuesday, 28 November. The students had the…

Sustainability Week

4th December 2023

We have held our second Sustainability Week at Channing, with a range of special events. On Monday, we were visited by Conor O’Keefe from the Natural History Museum. He gave…

Autumn Concert – 16th November 2023

23rd November 2023

Also sprach Zarathustra,’ the famous stirring fanfare by Strauss, opened our Autumn Concert, setting the tone for an amazing evening of music from our large ensembles and choirs. Queen took…

Channing Alumnae – Drinks in Soho

17th November 2023

“Did I just go back in time?’ she asked bemused as her eyes widened to take in waves of crushed velvet seating and, what looked to be, a shelved wall paying homage to…

History of Art Trips

15th November 2023

On Thursday the 9th of November, the History of Art Year 12s went with Ms Ward to two galleries. We headed to the Courtauld Gallery and saw landscapes which linked…

Seville Music Tour

13th November 2023

Over half term, 50 students traveled to Seville on the Channing Music trip, exploring the city and practicing repertoire, which we later performed in concerts. Every morning after a delicious…

Music at Lunchtime – Friday 3rd November 2023

13th November 2023

This week we were treated to a delightful performance from 4 amazing music students. We began our performance with Isabel M singing a beautiful rendition of ‘Butterfly’. Although this was…

Maritime Archaeology Workshop

9th November 2023

On Wednesday evening, the Classics department hosted a maritime archaeology workshop with Henrietta Barnett School, the first event of its kind. Dr Katerina Velentza from the University of Helsinki introduced…