
Miss Hamalis’ Bulletin – Monday 9 October 2023

Posted: 9th October 2023

Miss Hamalis, Head Of Channing Junior School

Dear Parents 

This year, we are continuing to integrate our bespoke Character Education programme into the girls’ educational experience. Our aim is to empower our pupils to explore and nurture the various aspects of their character. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with the Channing Character Champions during Thursday breaktimes, where we exchange ideas and strategies to further promote the eight Channing Characters: Resilience Robin, Perseverance Squirrel, Empathy Rabbit, Responsibility Badger, Bravery Mole, Independence Owl, Respectfulness Hedgehog, and Curiosity Fox. Today in assembly, these girls helped me to promote being responsible like Responsibility Badger by encouraging all of the girls to look after their belongings, to ensure that their uniform and other items are named and to check in the Lost Property boxes if they accidentally lose an item.

I’m thrilled to share that we all thoroughly enjoyed watching the new Channing Characters animation, which some of you may have seen on our Channing Instagram Account and/or Channing Facebook Account. I’m particularly proud of this animation, as it was created by Cocoa W, a Channing alumna (and a former pupil I taught at my previous school when she was in Year 4), with me providing the voiceover. Additionally, the Channing Character Champions are eagerly diving into the books about each character, inspired by stories written by Year 6 pupils (now in Year 8) and beautifully illustrated by the talented Paul Solomons. Once completed, sets of these books will be available in every classroom and in the library for the girls to enjoy.

At Channing Junior School, we hold pupil voice in high regard. It is crucial for us to engage with different groups of girls who hold roles of responsibility and beyond to continually enhance our school. The girls offer unique insights into their experiences, and involving them in decision-making processes not only leads to meaningful change, but also fosters a sense of empowerment and inclusion. It is their school, so they should have ownership over it. 

We often publish exciting initiatives, photos and films (depending on parental permissions) on our social media accounts. Follow us on: Miss_Dina_Hamalis Instagram Account, Channing Instagram Account, Channing X Account and Channing Facebook Account to keep up-to-date and see what the girls are getting up to at school.

Another way we share all of the wonderful things that the girls do at school is in our annual magazine. In line with our commitment to improving our School’s environmental sustainability following our declaration of a climate emergency, we have transitioned to producing and distributing digital editions of the Channing School Magazine. I am delighted to share with you the digital version of this year’s magazine, which you can access here.

We understand that many families cherish physical copies of the magazine, with some holding onto every edition since their daughter(s) joined the School. To minimise unnecessary waste, we kindly request that families who wish to receive a printed copy of the School Magazine for 2022-23 submit their request by midday on Monday, October 30, 2023. To order a printed copy, please click here.

As always, your support and engagement with our school community are greatly appreciated. I am enjoying another inspiring year of growth and learning. I can’t quite believe this is the last week before half term!

Wishing you all a happy half term and I look forward to seeing you on the other side. 

With warm wishes for the week ahead

Miss Dina Hamalis 

Head of the Junior School 

Calendar & Events

School Calendar & Syncing

You can view all events for the year in the school calendar via our Parent Portal: SchoolBase login. Your calendar view should already be filtered to display the Junior School events and events which are specific to your daughter’s year group. 

The ‘School Calendar Parent View’ button shows the complete calendar, which can be viewed by each month, week or day. Events also appear on the right-hand side of the home page under ‘Forthcoming Events’ and the monthly view of the calendar also appears at the bottom of the home page. 

The SchoolBase Calendar is now available to sync to your iPhone/Android phone. Please see the instructions below alongside some images:

Go to the email app or site of your choice and paste the below URL into the appropriate location – normally an option such as “Subscribe to an internet calendar” – example screenshots from Outlook and Google Calendar (last 2 images). 

Please use this link: 


Tooled Up Education Launch Webinar: Tuesday 31 October 7-8pm

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new collaboration with Tooled Up Education; an invaluable digital library of evidence-based resources on all aspects of parenting, education and family life. Founder, Dr Kathy Weston, has collated the best and most up-to-date research from around the world and distilled it into usable, easy to understand resources which can be instantly applied to daily life.

To launch our subscription, we are holding a webinar including a live Q&A session with Dr Weston on Tuesday 31 October 7-8pm. At the webinar, you will receive instructions on how to create your account on Tooled Up Education along with our unique School PIN code that is required to register.

Webinar link:

Once registered you will have immediate access to the entire library of articles, videos, tips to try, worksheets and podcasts, specifically curated for parents.  

Please do attend this talk if you are able to and make sure you register for access to this unique library of resources. We hope to see you there.

Black History Month Workshops

As Hip Hop marks its 50th anniversary, we are celebrating this unique subculture during Black History Month. 

On Monday 30 October, if your daughter is in Early Years or Key Stage 1, she needs to attend school wearing her PE kit so that she can participate in a breakdancing workshop. Whilst if your daughter is in Key Stage 2, she needs to attend school wearing old clothing as the girls will be working with spray paints in a street art workshop. They will also need to be able to move around in these as they will participate in a break dance workshop on the same day.

ABRSM Practical Music Examinations - LAST CHANCE TO APPLY

We will be holding practical music examinations during Monday 4 – Wednesday 6 December for candidates in both the Junior and Senior School. These examinations are also open to candidates who have practical music tuition outside of school, provided their teacher has stated that they are ready to take an ABRSM practical examination this term. We need parental consent before we enter candidates, therefore parents need to complete the online form by 4pm on Thursday 12 October at the latest. Regrettably, we will be unable to process late applications.

KS2 Recital Evening

Thank you to all our wonderful performers who took part in the Key Stage 2 Recital Evening last week. Our next one will be held on Thursday 9 November at 4pm. These events are popular and spaces fill up fast. Do take a moment to discuss the performance opportunity with your daughter and her instrumental teacher so you can provide all the relevant information on the form. Regrettably, incomplete submissions cannot be accepted. The form can be found here.

Seasonal Cards Design

The Channing Association are once again organising a project where the girls design an artwork that can be turned into a range of printed products for home use, including seasonal cards as well as mugs, spiral-bound books, wrapping paper and gift labels. In previous years, the girls’ designs have included Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter and ‘thank you’ cards. The cards can be used at home for family and friends. The girls might also like to use their own card design for end-of-term greetings to their classmates and friends, as part of our annual school tradition of seasonal ‘Classroom Postboxes’. 

If your daughter would like to take part, please keep an eye out for an Artwork Form and accompanying instructions which are going home in bags this week. The artwork needs to be prepared at home, all orders for products placed online, and then the original artwork handed to your daughter’s Form Teacher by Friday 3 November. Please read the instructions carefully, as they offer helpful tips, such as ‘no glitter or shiny materials’. Each form has a unique QR code for ordering, so if your form is lost, please collect a new one from the school office; do not attempt to take copies of forms.

If a non-Channing sibling would also like to take part, please pick up a spare Artwork Form from the school office. The finished products are expected to arrive at school in early December and will be distributed via the pupils.

The CA will receive a small contribution from each order. Funds raised will be given as charitable donations and put towards experiences for our girls.

Miss Hamalis’ Design a Seasonal Card Competition

Miss Hamalis will be printing her own seasonal cards, sent to feeder nurseries and friends of the school, from designs made by Channing pupils. 

If your daughter is already submitting a design for the Seasonal Cards project, you do not need to do anything additional to enter the competition. Miss Hamalis will consider all artworks submitted to the home Seasonal Cards Project after the deadline of Friday 3 November. Any winners from among these artworks will be contacted.

If you daughter would, however, prefer to submit a different design for Miss Hamalis’ card competition, or would like to take part in the competition without ordering any home Seasonal Cards, please hand in a separate artwork for the competition (A4 or A5 in size) to the school office by Friday 3 November, with your daughter’s name, form and ‘Miss Hamalis Competition only’ written on the back.

As suggested by the Digital Leaders and Miss Evans (Computing Lead), the girls could choose to create a digital picture using a device at home using: Purple Mash, Google Draw, Amazograp, Kids Doodle, Pic Collage and any other online art platforms that they have to create their festive entry. They need to send a picture/screenshot to their Form Teacher FAO Miss Evans (, Computing Lead by Friday 3 November.

We hope the girls enjoy drawing, painting and/or collaging their designs over the half term break!

Food Bank Donations

This year, we will continue to contribute to the Alexandra Wylie Tower Foundation’s food bank. The AWTF aims to support families in need with emergency food parcels, and provides hot meals and fresh fruit and vegetables to over 200 hundred homeless people in the local area. 

Previously, we have managed collections in year groups. Moving forwards, we will champion four main collections from all pupils in their House groups (Waterlow, Goodwin, Sharpe, Spears). Excitedly, our House Captains will be actively involved in the work of the AWTF, throughout the year.

The first collection will be running from Wednesday 1 November – Thursday 30 November. If your daughter is in Waterlow House, please ask her to place donations in one of the blue, labelled Food Bank collection bins in the courtyard. There will be three more collections running throughout the year, with girls in each House being asked to donate items. However, all members of the community are very welcome to donate at any time! 

Suggested items for donations include: washing tablets, tinned/canned produce, pasta (and sauces), rice, spices, olive oil, juices, stocks, cereals, tea and coffee. Please ensure all items are long-life produce, as regrettably,  fresh items cannot be donated. Clean sauce pots (from your favourite takeaway), egg cartons and tupperware are also helpful donations as it helps the food bank volunteers to share out items.

Extracurricular Events

Clubs During Parents’ Evenings

Due to Parents’ Evening taking place this week in-person and online (Tuesday 10 October and Wednesday 11 October), some clubs have been affected.

The following clubs will continue to run on Tuesday 10 October

    • Reception Ballet
    • KS1 Virtual Reality
    • Years 3&4 Gymnastics 
    • Years 3&4 Partnership Engineer and Explore
  • Years 5&6 Minimus (collection as usual from Brookfield Primary School) 
  • Key Stage 2 Brass Ensemble 
  • Key Stage 2 Arts & Crafts 

The following clubs will continue to run on Wednesday 11 October

  • KS1 Adventure Playground 
  • KS1 Chess
  • KS1 Karate 
  • KS1 Tennis 
  • Y3&4 Multisports
  • Y5&6 Science (collection as usual from the Senior School) 
  • Y5&6 Football 
  • KS2 Chess
  • KS2 Virtual Reality 

If you do not see your daughter’s usual club listed here, it means it is unable to run this week due to Parents’ Evening.

On Wednesday 1 November, the following clubs will be cancelled due to Specialist Teacher Parents’ Evening:

  • KS1 Arts & Crafts 
  • Y3&4 Hockey
  • Y3&4 Partnership Choir 

Autumn Term Club Programme

A gentle reminder to all parents that your daughter is encouraged to stay committed to the club(s) she signed up for. If you feel your daughter is no longer able to attend, please inform the Office so that her space can be offered to someone else. 

Reminder: Once your daughter’s place on an external club is confirmed, you are committed to the block and will be charged for the term.

Karate Grading Opportunities

Every term, the girls attending Karate Club have the opportunity to grade if they are at the appropriate level. The cost of the grading and the coloured belt will be added to your school bill, and will be awarded in Monday assemblies. This term, gradings will be held on Wednesday 22 November for Key Stage 1 and Friday 24 November for Key Stage 2.  We will be in contact directly at the beginning of next term if Sensei Devini recommends that your daughter grades this term.

Half Term Chess Camp: Wallace Chess

Wallace Chess Autumn Half-term Chess Camp (Swiss Cottage Community Centre and Kensington St Mary Abbots Centre) offers children a wide range of chess games and activities to keep them engaged. They will learn tactics and strategy, as well as have fun outside playing football and other activities. There is something for everyone from ages 5-12, whether your child is a complete chess beginner or a tournament player. Regular and elite groups (for advanced/tournament players) will run at both venues.

  • Week 1: 16 – 19 October (Monday to Thursday, half-day only)
  • Week 2: 23- 26 October (Monday to Thursday)

For the following durations:

  • Half day: 9am – 1pm
  • Full day: 9am – 4pm (Week 2 only)

Please note that bookings are only possible for a full week.

For bookings, click here.

Birds & Owls

Under Review

We are currently reviewing our Birds & Owls provision and will be in touch with an update later this week.

Road Safety: Keeping our Community Safe

Mindful Parking

Unfortunately we have received several complaints over the last few weeks. Please be mindful of our neighbours, the local community and other members of the Channing community when you drive and park during morning drop off and afternoon collection by driving sensibly and parking legally. In order to help alleviate traffic and parking issues in the village, we offer Early Birds from 7.30am and have staggered collection times. It is fantastic to see many of you organising ‘park and stride’ (parking a few roads down and walking), as well as arranging car shares if you live closeby to other Channing families.

Teaching & Learning News

Using Research-based Evidence to Help you Support your Child

At the start of every academic year, we identify an area of teaching and learning that we want to develop. Over the past few years, we have had a focus on feedback. There is much research and pedagogy associated with getting pupils more involved in their own learning. Self-assessment and self-reflection provide the perfect opportunity for your child to build depth into their teacher’s feedback. Activating pupils as owners of their own learning can produce real improvements in their progress. Underpinning this is research about metacognition and self-regulated learning. This blog explains more. Please speak to your child about the importance of their role in the feedback process. Teachers at Channing give time in lessons for pupils to respond to feedback. We call this Direct Independent Reflection Time. It is important that your child takes this seriously.

Channing Association News

Winter Fair - Tickets now on Sale!

Narnia is coming to the Junior School and tickets are now on sale! After school on Friday 1 December, the girls with their families are invited to venture through the wardrobe to explore an enchanted Narnia Wonderland, where the children will discover Santa’s Grotto and themes from the beloved story ‘The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’. We encourage you to enjoy the book or the film with your children prior to the Winter Fair, and look forward to welcoming you for a magical Christmas-y afternoon! 

Buy tickets here:

Event details on Classlist here:

Winter Fair - Call For Raffle Prizes!

There will be a fundraising raffle (in aid of Great Ormond St Hospital) drawn at the close of the Winter Fair.  If you have a product, service or experience you could donate as a prize, we would be most grateful – please email with any donation offers. The sale of raffle tickets will go live on Friday 3 November.

Funds raised by the CA are allocated to three core pillars: supporting the girls, fostering a sense of community amongst Channing families, and raising money for charitable causes.

Channing Association AGM: Monday 9 October, 7 - 8pm

The Channing Association AGM (across both the Junior and Senior Schools) will be held on Monday 9 October, 7- 8pm, in the Senior School 6th Form Centre. All parents are welcome to join.

Fireworks Event

The CA Fireworks Night is taking place on Saturday 4 November, and there are a few final tickets left to buy:

There will be hot dogs, burgers, Sri Lankan curry and churros available from 5:30pm (non-meat options will be available) as well as beer, wine, mulled wine, sweets and glo accessories. Gates will open at 5:30 – 8:30pm with the display starting at 6:45pm. The DJ and dancers are back this year to help get the fireworks party started.

Order Channing Christmas Puddings & Label Competition

The Channing Pudding shop is now open: and orders can be placed until Saturday 28 October. There are nine puddings to choose from, including both a gluten-free and a vegan pudding. Puddings will be delivered to school in the first week of December. 

A reminder that girls can submit designs for the pudding label competition until the end of this week, Friday

13 October. Templates can be collected from the School Office or will have been shared by your Form Reps. Please hand in designs to the School Office.