
Clean Air Day

Posted: 13th October 2022

Last Thursday, along with Highgate School, we challenged the whole school community to travel in without the use of cars. Well done to form 10Sfr who had the fewest students travelling to school by car that day.

Eco reps measured pollution outside the school at drop off time. 8.7µg/m3 was measured for PM2.5 particles and 17 µg/m3 for PM10. Both of these results are higher than the WHO recommended amounts (PM2.5 particles should not exceed a concentration of 5 µg/m3 and PM10 particles should not exceed concentrations of 15 µg/m3 on average) but not as high as last time we measured in July, almost certainly due to the windier conditions.

A competition was launched in the primary and secondary schools to design a clean air poster to highlight the dangers of air pollution and show the importance of doing our part to reduce it. Competition winners (one in primary, one in secondary) will see their entry made into a permanent banner that will be displayed outside the front of their school, as well as receiving a large jar of Candy Kittens!